Ember Guards
Ember Guard Protection
Ember Guard - Simple, Efficient & Effective.
Ember guard are referenced in AS 3959-2018 (Australian Standard for building in bushfire prone areas) and are designed to create a barrier to restrict burning embers from gaining access into a home via any small gaps which have not been addressed by other construction means.
Most commonly during construction of a home in a bushfire prone area, the potential for burning embers to gain access into the roof via any small openings is addressed by the installation of compliant sarking and other non-combustible materials like mineral wool blankets and foil etc. (Consult your builder or roofing professional for details)
 If however a building intends to rely on a mesh product to address the ember guarding of a roof (or other areas) then AS 3959-2018 demands that the material used must be non-combustible and have a maximum aperture of 2mm. Karben Industries offers 2 products which meets this criteria and they are listed below.